FAW C Certificate Week Intensive Opportunity
|Hi all, I hope you’re keeping well and enjoying the start of the Junior League Season. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the upcoming FAW C Certificate intensive course that is being held at Coleg Cambria-Deeside from Monday 21st October through to Friday 25th October. The key aim of the course is to provide coaches and volunteers within North Wales another opportunity to complete the award but within a week rather than the traditional Sunday contacts. The course is delivered over the five contacts and one off course mentoring session on the Wednesday evening, supporting candidates across the key requirements of modern football and developing their ability to plan, prepare, deliver and reflect on coaching sessions as we explore the principles of play and the development of skill acquisition within our players. Candidates will need to complete online modules and coursework throughout the course and be expected to deliver practical sessions, both on and off course. However, there is no formal assessment. I would be very grateful if you could inform clubs, coaches and volunteers within your contacts of this opportunity, and if there are any questions please ask them to contact me. The link to book can be found below. https://www.fawcourses.com/category/c-certificate-intensive Thank you for your support.
FAW Trust Guy Handscombe Coach Education, Level 2 Assistant FAW Trust Tel: +44 (0) 1633 282 911 Mob: +44 (0) 7825 581 149