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AGM – 7pm Wednesday 17th June 2015

This seasons AGM will be held at the Llandudno Junction Community Club on Wednesday 17th June at 7pm

Please ensure that you have a least one member of your club at the meeting

Agenda – AGM 17th June 2015 at 7pm

1          Record members present.

2          Apologies.

3          Accept minutes of 2013/14 Annual General Meeting.

4          Matters arising.

5          Chairman’s report.

6          General Secretary’s report

7          Treasurer’s report.

8          Fixtures Secretary’s report U8s – U11s.

9          Fixtures & Competitions Secretary’s report U12s – U18s.

10        Referees Appointments Secretary’s report.

11        Disciplinary Secretary’s report.

12        Registration Secretary’s report.

13        Safeguarding Officer’s report.

14        Website Secretary’s report.

15        N.W.C.F.A. Representative’s report.

16        Buffet.

17        Rules & constitution. Amendments as received on or before 27th May.

18        Applications by new clubs to join the League for 2015/16 season.

19        Election of Officers for 2015/16 season.

20        Any other business.

21        Guests.