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FAW Small-sided Football review

As you may know, the FAW and the FAW Trust have actively reviewed the mini football offer and the transition to the 11-a-side game over the past two seasons.
With the last review undertaken during the 2008/09 season, this project was initiated with the aim of building on the positive strides made in recent years whilst looking to highlight and address the challenges facing the game. The emphasis was firmly placed on improving the experience for children and young people throughout Wales. 
With this in mind, the review set out to: 
• Evaluate the current mini football offer and transition to the 11-a-side game.
• Draw comparisons with other National Associations to ensure that the Welsh football model represents best practice. 
• Explore ways to enrich the football offer, with consideration for the growth of the game and technical development of players. 
• Identify the key lessons and outcomes from the 9v9 pilot and wider take up. 
• Undertake an options appraisal for future delivery models. 
• Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of providing competition in mini football and explore the stage at which this should be introduced. 
• Identify any practical issues that might influence the implementation of future initiatives and any changes to the delivery model.  
Our review involved the most extensive consultation process ever undertaken for this area of the game in Wales.
Through a mixed method approach, we have listened to the views of those who play to those who make it possible.
We would like to thank the many players, coaches, clubs, parents, leagues, officials, staff, and others that have contributed to this review.
This insight, coupled with other evidence, including the feedback we received from National Associations across the world, has been instrumental in shaping the way forward here in Wales. 
We have used the evidence to explore specific themes, including the playing format, competition, pitch dimensions, playing time, ball size, goal size, season structure, match officials, the transition into 11v11, match day behaviour, and heading. 
Based on the findings of the review, we are excited to announce a number of changes that should help improve the experience for children and young people.
Moving forward, we will look to instil a player centred approach with fun and enjoyment the cornerstones of the new small sided football offer. 
We aspire for a game that will become even more accessible and enjoyable and we are confident that the changes will help us recruit and retain more players.
Players of all abilities will be able to take an active part in the game and have fun without any pressure from parents or coaches.
Players will be placed in an environment where they can learn to play within a team, gain an understanding of the rules, develop the skills and technique, and the new game format will maximise the number of contacts with the ball.
Competition will be introduced at an appropriate time, as will the full 11-a-side version of the game.
Match day culture will positively improve as a direct result of the changes being implemented. 
We have attached a copy of the Small Sided Football Regulations for information.
This document sets out the new offer for the different ages.
It is also worth highlighting that online webinars will be available to provide Area Associations, Leagues and Clubs with all the necessary information, support, guidance and advice concerning the changes.
Please note that spaces will be limited to a maximum of two (2) representatives per organisation – should we surpass the maximum capacity of attendees allowed on the zoom meeting, additional webinars will be organised.
To register please see the relevant links below: 
Clubs Webinar: Thursday, July 23, 2020 – 6.30pmCLICK HERE TO REGISTER After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the meeting.
If you are unable to join the meeting live, we will share a recording to access the information.
Should you have any questions that you would like covered during the webinar regarding the changes please send these to Daniel@fawtrust.cymru in advance so we can try and cover these off during the session. 
In addition to the webinars, the FAW and the FAW Trust will provide information via a number of platforms to ensure the new Regulations are better understood by coaches, parents and organisations involved with the delivery of football for these age groups.
We will create a micro site for the small sided game and an animated video bringing each format to life.
We will also offer age specific coach education workshops/resources. 
We would like to thank you for the dedication and support you provide to the game in Wales.
Whilst we are extremely confident that the new small sided football offer will have a positive impact for all involved, we realise the importance of working as a team to make this a reality.
This has been a difficult period where we have seen significant disruption to the football calendar.
We look forward to welcoming players across Wales back to football when it is safe to do so and will look to provide a positive experience for all. 
Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this exciting work. We look forward to welcoming you to the webinars and to build on the excellent work taking place at a local level. 
Yours sincerely,
Dr David Adams Technical Director